Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Buzz Feed Black Walnut
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Keep The Peace
Following these tips can help you keep the peace between trees and turf in your backyard!
Do Deer Eat Leyland Cypress
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect & Repair Trees from Animals: Deer, Rabbits, Squirrels
Your trees are staples in your yard, and while you welcome wildlife, you’d hate to see them destroy these strong, sturdy plants in your yard. Here is how to protect your trees from animals.
Powdery Mildew On Maple Tree Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of White Fuzzy Fungus on Plants (Powdery Mildew)
Notice fuzzy white stuff on your plants or plant stems? It's likely powdery mildew! It generally doesn't harm your tree, but it sure doesn't look good! Get rid of it by...
Browning Evergreen
Leaf & Needle Problems
What To Do When Evergreen Trees Are Dying From Top Down
Think your pine, evergreen or spruce tree is dying from the top down? Find out why the top of your evergreen is turning brown and what you can do.
When Do Pine Trees Drip Sap Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Time of Year Do Pine Trees Drip Sap (and Can I Stop It?)
What time of year do pine trees drip sap, and how much pine sap is excessive? If it's golden brown, no need to stop tree sap from running or sapping. That's normal in spring. But if you see your pine tree oozing white sap (or a white substance on pine trees), there's a problem. Click here for more.
Snow On Redbud Tree Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Does a Late Spring Frost or Snowfall Damage Trees?
Learn more about late spring frost damage including maple, redbud, lilac, magnolia and japanese maple tree frost damage and why japanese maples lose leaves after a late spring frost
Before You Use Pruning Paint Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Wait – Before You Use Pruning Sealer On Trees…
After pruning (or trimming) your trees, should you use pruning sealer or pruning paint?
Sudden Limb Drop Fallen Branch In Yard Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Is Sudden Branch Drop Syndrome?
Branches falling off of your seemingly healthy tree in summer? That sounds like sudden branch syndrome! Click to learn why this happens and what you should do!
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