Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
My Tree Was Struck By Lightning. What Do I Do?
Lightning can injure trees to the point that they need to be removed for safety. But, let’s dig a little deeper into what could be going on with your lightning-struck tree.
Car Driving Through Snowy Forest
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
The 7 Best Steps To Prepare Your Trees For A Healthy, Happy New Year
Follow our winter checklist below to keep your trees and landscape healthy by identifying potential issues.
Love Trees Stock 600X400
Tree Removal
How To Memorialize A Beloved Tree You Have To Remove (Ideas)
Variety of ways you can remember your beloved tree after it’s gone
AS 285177860 Tubakia Maple
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Are These Water Marks On My Tree Leaves?
Tubakia leaf spot on oak is often confused with oak anthracnose. One way to tell them apart is the timing of leaf spots. Learn more.
Dry Brown Pine Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Tell If Your Pine Trees Are Dead Or Dormant
Here are common signs that your pine tree may be sick.
Garden Soil Stock
Soil Care & Mulching
How to Keep Soil Healthy For Your Plants
Here's how to improve soil quality and how to keep soil fertile, so your plants can thrive.
Ivy Growing On Trees
Trimming & Pruning
Why You Should Be Removing Ivy From Trees (And How To Do It!)
Does it harm trees for ivy to grow? Learn if you should remove ivy from trees and the best techniques for removing ivy from trees. You can even kill ivy with vinegar.
Brown Black Dying Leaves On Bradford Pear Fire Blight Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why ‘Bradford’ Callery Pear Tree Leaves Are Brown, Black or Falling Off
Are your Bradford or ornamental pear tree leaves turning black, brown, dying or falling off? Your Bradford pear is likely dealing with a common springtime fruit tree infection: fire blight. Learn more about fire blight and how you can help your tree.
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