Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Winter Pruning
Trimming & Pruning
Winter Tree Pruning: Young Trees, Fruit Trees, Spring Flowering Trees
Let’s look at important facts about winter pruning, specifically for young trees, fruit trees, and spring-flowering trees, so you can gain a better understanding of how to keep your trees in prime health.
Best Trees For Allergies
Tree Selection Guide
Best Low Pollen Trees
There are common plants and trees that trigger allergies. Here’s a list of the best and worst trees for allergies.
Can You Keep Big Trees Small Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Can You Keep Big Trees Small or Limit Tree Height?
Learn how you can limit tree height and how to keep big trees small. You can’t actually stop a tree from growing taller or stunt the growth of a tree, but you can limit tree height by pruning it to keep it small. You can even keep a cherry tree or oak tree small by pruning it the right way.
AS 285177860 Tubakia Maple
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Are These Water Marks On My Tree Leaves?
Tubakia leaf spot on oak is often confused with oak anthracnose. One way to tell them apart is the timing of leaf spots. Learn more.
Joshua Tree Trees In Drought
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Pick The Right Trees For Drought-Prone Landscapes
Find drought-tolerant and drought-resistant trees in your zone.
What Trees To Add To Increase Property Value Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
What Trees to Add (Or Cut Down) To Increase Property Value
Trees do affect property value. The best trees to increase property value are hardy, disease-resistant trees, like oak or maple. Trees such as fruit and palm are nice but do not add extra value to your home or property. Cutting down trees increases property value if your tree poses a risk.
St Louis Tree Planting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
For the Benefit of Planting Trees
Trees in our urban forest are truly valuable from an economic, environmental and social standpoint.
What Does A Flowering Dogwood Look Like
Plant Health Care
When Do Flowering Trees Bloom in Spring, Including Fruit Trees
Everything you need to know about which fruit or flowering trees bloom in spring. Get a list of trees by growing zones that have pink or yellow flowers, and which flowering trees have the longest bloom. Is your fruit or flowering tree not blooming? Learn why!
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