Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Blog Davey Tree Swings
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees For Hanging A Tree Swing (Tire, Wooden and Seat)
The most important step in installing a tree swing is choosing the right tree.
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Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant Trees, Shrubs or Evergreens in the Winter?
Interested in planting trees or shrubs in the winter? Here’s how to tell if it’s OK to plant in winter or if you should wait for a more suitable season.
Winterizing Cedar Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Protect Cedar Trees In Winter
Get all details here! How to best care for your cedar tree during cold, winter months with these tips on watering (how much and how often), when to wrap and unwrap cedar trees, and how to tell if your cedar tree is dying.
How To Treat Fire Damaged Trees
Plant Health Care
How To Help Restore Trees Burned By Wildfires
Following proper tree care after a wildfire can help restore your fire-damaged trees.
Cicada On Tree Leaf Davey Tree
How To Protect Your Trees From The Periodical Cicadas in 2024
Let’s learn more about what states will have cicadas in 2024 and answer the question, “Do cicadas damage trees and plants?” so you can better prepare for these insects this spring.
Cicada Control Netting
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Survive Cicada Season with Netting for Trees
Learn how to survive cicada season with netting for trees.
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Trimming & Pruning
Can I Use a Hedge Trimmer or Pole Saw to Trim My Trees?
Learn about the trimming tools that work best on trees and the ones that don’t.
List Of Thanks1
Plant Health Care
4 Reasons to Thank Your Trees
Here are just a few reasons to be thankful for your trees this holiday season
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