Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Best And Worst Trees To Plant Near A House
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Protect Trees During Construction
Learn how to protect your trees by taking the right steps before, during, and after construction.
Spanish Moss 2
Davey Knowledge
What's Growing On My Tree: Spanish Moss Or Ball Moss
Let’s talk about what Spanish moss and ball moss are, what trees they grow on, and how to get rid of Spanish moss and ball moss if necessary.
Snowy Tree Trunk With Crack
Davey Knowledge
Vertical Split In Tree Trunk: Can It Be Repaired?
Let’s learn more about what causes a tree trunk to split vertically and how to repair a split tree trunk.
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Davey Knowledge
Mistletoe in Trees
Mistletoe grows as a parasite on woody plants. Let’s dive deeper into what mistletoe looks like, where it grows, how mistletoe spreads, and tips for controlling mistletoe in trees.
Snow Mold
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Is This Whitish Gray (Or Whitish Pink) Fuzz On My Grass?
What is snow mold? It's a fungal disease that can create patches of whitish gray or whitish pink grass blades in late winter and early spring. Let's talk about how to prevent snow mold and how to get rid of snow mold in your home lawn.
Adobestock 72113886
Tree Identification
Shrub Identification: Do I Have A Red Twig Dogwood?
Let’s talk about red twig dogwood shrubs, how large a red twig dogwood gets, and how to trim a red twig dogwood so you can properly care for this beloved bush in your home landscape.
AS 507630274 Xyleborus Monographus MOB
Insect & Disease Issues
Mediterranean Oak Borer Threat
Here’s what you should know about this species of ambrosia beetle and how you can keep it from munching on your favorite trees.
Boxwood shrubs
Plant Health Care
Seasonal Boxwood Shrub Care
Here are some tips for how to care for boxwood shrubs so you can keep these hedges healthy and tidy all year long.
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