Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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European Spruce Bark Beetle Ips Typographus On Wood Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
What Trees Do Bark Beetles Attack and Can I Get Rid of Them?
Here are all the bark beetle facts you need! Learn what trees they attack and what they eat. You'll also learn the identification process for bark beetles, the damage they do and the treatment for bark beetles.
Pest And Disease Maple Decline Banner 1440X500
Insect & Disease Issues
What Disease is Killing My Maple Tree?
Here are common signs of an unhealthy maple and how to save a dying maple tree to help you better protect and preserve your favorite tree.
Fotolia Browning Palm 566X707
Leaf & Needle Problems
Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?
Giving your palm trees proper care includes understanding why their leaves may turn brown and how to best care for them. Here's what causes palm tree leaves to turn brown and what you can do about it.
When Can You Prune Oak Trees In Texas
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have An Oak Tree?
Here are some oak tree identification tips to help you better recognize these landscape giants.
Dsc 3577
Tree Selection Guide
Best Small Flowering Trees for Your Landscape
Here are some of the best small flowering trees that require little maintenance and give your landscape a pop of color. You will also learn which ones you should stay away from, and how to properly care for your trees during spring.
Soggy Lawn
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Can Too Much Rain Hurt Your Lawn?
Get your questions around rain and the affects it has on your lawn answered in this post! You will learn how to protect grass seed from heavy rain, how much rain is too much after fertilizing, and how to fix standing water in your yard.
Spring Tree Care
Plant Health Care
Tree Care Checklist: How To Keep Trees Healthy This Spring
Keep your trees healthy with a spring tree care checklist to guide you on spring cleanup, tree trimming, lightning protection, soil care, and lawn care so your home landscape is ready for the season.
Newly Planted Tree Care
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How to Take Care of a Newly Planted Tree (5 Easy Steps)
Caring for a newly planted tree should be comprehensive, but it doesn’t have to be complicated! With the five quick tips below, you can get your new tree off to a great start.
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