Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Beech Tree Leaf Disease
Insect & Disease Issues
Beech Leaf Disease & The Ecosystem
Learn how Beech trees are prevalent in neighborhoods and forests, making up an important part of the overall ecosystem in helping fight climate change and providing food sources and shelters for animals and birds.
Cicada Control Netting
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Survive Cicada Season with Netting for Trees
Learn how to survive cicada season with netting for trees.
Eab Tunnels2
Insect & Disease Issues
Are All Ash Trees Susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)?
A Davey blog reader reached out to ask if all ash tree species were susceptible to this pest and if the borer prefers younger trees or more mature ones. If you think your trees are vulnerable to EAB, continue reading to learn about the signs and how to control this pest.
Overwatered Trees
Plant Health Care
Signs Of Underwatering Trees Or Overwatering Trees
Learn the difference between overwatering and underwatering a tree including signs of overwatering, signs of underwatering trees and how to fix an overwatered tree.
Fall Landscape Checklist Leaves 497X330
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
5 Smart Steps for a Winter-Ready Landscape
Cedar Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
Guide to Mulching: Is Cedar or Cypress Mulch Better?
One of the best things you can do to boost tree health is to create mulch rings around them. Outlined are the pros and cons of using cedar or cypress mulch.
Tree Transplanting (1)
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Transplant A Tree: What To Do And What Not To Do
Tree Planting Transplanting Transplanting Cost Alternating 640X426
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Large Tree Transplanting: How Big of a Tree Can Be Moved?
There are some ways to transplant large trees to ensure their survival. Let’s look at how to transplant a mature tree so you can better understand if this is an option for a big tree on your property.
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