Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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How Much Water Do Newly Planted Trees Need Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
How Much Water Does a Newly-Planted Tree Need?
Keep the top 12 inches of soil around the root ball moist. Generally, that means 4-10 gallons each week. Click to pinpoint what's best for your tree.
How To Save A Dying Redwood Brown Needles Drought Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
How to Tell if a Redwood Tree is Dying (And If You Can Save It)
How do you tell if a redwood tree is dying? Is it turning brown or yellowing? You may have a distressed redwood tree. To help, you almost always need to give them more water. Learn more about how to water and how it could save a dying redwood tree!
Japanese Lilac Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify a Japanese Lilac Tree
Most Japanese lilac tree varieties are fairly easy to maintain with timely watering, good drainage, and proper pruning time. Follow this guide to learn how to properly care for and identify Japanese lilacs.
Aspen Tree Identification
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have An Aspen Tree?
Learn how to identify and care for the aspen tree and types of aspen trees you can try to get the visually appealing contrast they bring to your home landscape.
Fringe Tree Care
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify a Fringe Tree
Learn how to identify a Fringe tree with these key features, and how to properly care for one with these tree care tips.
Watering Trees In Drought
Plant Health Care
How Often to Water Trees During a Drought
With a finite amount of costly water, consider limiting water to hydrate your trees first.
Overwatered Trees
Plant Health Care
Signs Of Underwatering Trees Or Overwatering Trees
Learn the difference between overwatering and underwatering a tree including signs of overwatering, signs of underwatering trees and how to fix an overwatered tree.
Watering Plants
Plant Health Care
Morning (Not Night) Is The Best Time To Water Plants
Learn the best time to water plants in morning or night including is it bad to water plants at night and when should you water plants on a hot day.
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