Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Winter Tree Roots
What Happens If Tree Roots Freeze?
Learn what happens to tree roots in winter, signs of tree root damage from freezing, and how to protect roots from cold temperatures. Discover if tree roots grow in winter and how to keep them healthy until spring.
Winter Tree Care
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Winter Tree Care Tips for Roots, Trunks and Branches
Follow these winter tree care tips to keep your trees roots, trunk and branches healthy and strong through the cold, winter season. It’s the care you provide before and during that makes a difference.
Tree Shoots
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Stop Tree Roots From Sprouting In The Lawn
Learn how to stop tree roots from sprouting in your lawn including how to prevent tree roots from sprouting and how to kill tree seedlings in your lawn.
Davey Tree Tree Root Growth
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Transplanting: Cutting Tree Roots Without Killing A Tree
Before transplanting a tree there’s crucial root prep involved. But before you attempt to prune tree roots on your own, read this post to learn how to keep your tree as safe as possible in the process.
Davey Tree Non Invasive Roots Near Home
Tree Selection Guide
Trees with Non-Invasive Root Systems
Plant trees with roots that don't spread! Here are trees with non-invasive root systems, shade trees with small root systems and best trees for sidewalks!
Best And Worst Trees To Plant Near A House
Tree Selection Guide
The Best and Worst Trees to Plant Near a House (By Zone)
Learn about the worst trees to plant near your house and what trees to avoid such as the white ash and oak because of their widespread, invasive roots.
Honey Fungus
Plant Health Care
What to Do About Mushrooms Growing at the Base of Trees
Have you noticed mushrooms growing around your tree's base or roots? It may be dangerous. Learn how to identify and manage honey fungus on your tree.
Planting Trees Near Retaining Wall Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Building a Retaining Wall Near Trees? Or Planting Near a Wall?
Trees and retaining walls can live in harmony. But, to do that, they've got to have their space. Start by...
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