Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Pest And Disease Maple Decline Banner 1440X500
Insect & Disease Issues
What Disease is Killing My Maple Tree?
Here are common signs of an unhealthy maple and how to save a dying maple tree to help you better protect and preserve your favorite tree.
Davey Tree Why Does My Tree Only Have Leaves On One Side
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Does My Tree Only Have Leaves on One Side?
Wondering why your tree has no leaves on one side? Learn why your tree is not leafing out.
Tree With No Leaves
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Does My Tree Have No Leaves On Top? (Maple, Birch & Ash)
Is my tree dead if it has no leaves on top? The top of tree looks dead but the bottom is alive. Learn why your maple tree, birch tree and ash tree have no leaves on top.
How To Identify Tree Borers
Insect & Disease Issues
Signs of Tree Boring Insects
Common tree borers include the Emerald Ash Borer, Locust Borer, Bronze Birch Borer, and Longhorned Beetles. Learn which types of trees are at risk, where you’ll find these tree borers, common tree symptoms, and how to get rid of the tree borer.
What Does A Flowering Dogwood Look Like
Tree Identification
Do I have a Flowering Dogwood Tree?
Dogwoods are most recognized for their cross-shaped white or pink bracts. They require 4-6 hours of sun each day and can grow in a variety of climates. Learn how to properly care for flowering dogwoods and the potential threats that can harm your tree.
Davey Tree Tree Root Growth
Plant Health Care
When Do Tree Roots Grow The Most?
Do trees grow in winter? When do tree roots grow the fastest? Find everything you want to know about tree root growth - including how to help trees grow faster!
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Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are There Yellow Leaves on Trees in Summer?
There are many reasons your leaves could be turning yellow and falling off. Run down the checklist below to help diagnose your tree.
Boy Watering
Plant Health Care
What Is Deep Root Watering Of A Tree?
What is slow watering vs. deep root watering? Is it the best way to water trees? Do you need a tree deep watering tool? Learn more.
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