When trees grow in the forest, they have everything they need to thrive.

The leaf litter that falls onto the forest floor each year breaks down and nourishes trees with optimum nutrition. The soil is rich and undisturbed and not much stops tree roots from growing and thriving.

But in your home landscape, your trees and shrubs don’t have the same luxuries. The topsoil has been disturbed by home building, leaving few nutrients, and your plants face more stress and traffic.

This is why a plant health care program can be beneficial for your landscape trees. Plant health care is a way to holistically manage your property’s trees and shrubs with routine monitoring and preventive treatments.

Let’s look at the 5 key benefits that proactive plant health care services can bring to your home landscape.

1. Maintain Vital Soil Nutrients

In your home landscape, you remove fallen leaves and twigs to keep your yard looking clean. While this is helpful for improving your curb appeal, it removes beneficial nutrients from reaching the soil.

On top of that, you have grass next to your trees and shrubs, which looks great in your yard but does add competition for water and nutrients to your trees and shrubs .

Fertilization as part of a plant health care program can provide your plants with these essential nutrients they’re missing. Properly mulching your trees with shredded hardwood mulch can also help replenish nutrients lost in your soil over time.

2. Restore

You enjoy your yard with your family, playing tag with your kids and fetch with your dog, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that.

But over time, this foot traffic adds up, compacting your soil. This can restrict root growth.

Through plant health care, mixing organic matter into your soil can help relieve this compaction.

3. Manage Tree Root Space

Healthy roots are extremely important for the optimum growth of your plants.

If your tree roots run into obstacles, such as roads, sidewalks, or even your home, this limits their growth.

Address this plant health care challenge by improving tree root systems through proper fertilization, as well as sufficient watering during dry spells.

4. Protect Trees & Shrubs from Pests & Diseases

Pests and diseases are opportunistic and can take advantage of weak trees, .

Even worse, if left unchecked, pests and diseases can cause quite a bit of damage to your plants.

Regular tree care health assessments can help quickly diagnose and treat pest and disease problems before they severely diminish the health of your plants.

5. Prevent & Treat Physical Damage

Your landscape plants can take a beating from quite a few things on your property, including wild animals like deer and even lawn mowers and string trimmers that accidentally damage tree trunks or plant root systems.

These injuries can introduce opportunities for pathogens and pests to attack your tree. Avoiding unnecessary damage to  healthy tissue and trimming broken limbs as part of routine tree maintenance through a PHC program can ensure the long-term life of your green assets.



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