Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Exposed Tree Roots Resized
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Are Exposed Tree Roots a Bad Thing? Get to the Root of the Problem
Exposed tree roots make it tough to landscape your yard and leave your trees vulnerable to damage. Read on to learn how surface roots can affect the health of your tree.
Microsoftteams Image 16
Soil Care & Mulching
The Best Way to Cover Your Exposed Tree Roots
What's the best way cover tree roots above ground? Add mulch? Or perhaps topsoil or grass seed? How about gravel or concrete? Click to find your best option.
Root Crown Excavatoin 2
Soil Care & Mulching
Removing Tree Roots Above Ground: Will It Harm Or Kill The Tree?
Winter is coming, and it’s the best time to safely prune the roots of your tree. Learn how above ground roots can be cut without hurting your tree
Will Pine Tree Roots Damage A Foundation
Trimming & Pruning
Is It Safe To Cut Pine Roots Growing Close To My House?
When pine tree roots grow near your home foundation, you might wonder whether or not you can cut the roots of a tree without killing it. We provide answers to the question: Can you cut pine tree roots?
Roots Of Gumbo Limbo
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Right Tree, Right Place: Tree Roots
Here are trees with invasive roots and what you can do to best manage them if you have them in your yard.
Winter Tree Roots
What Happens If Tree Roots Freeze?
Learn what happens to tree roots in winter, signs of tree root damage from freezing, and how to protect roots from cold temperatures. Discover if tree roots grow in winter and how to keep them healthy until spring.
Davey Tree Tree Root Growth
Plant Health Care
When Do Tree Roots Grow The Most?
Do trees grow in winter? When do tree roots grow the fastest? Find everything you want to know about tree root growth - including how to help trees grow faster!
Girdling Root On Parking Lot Live Oak
Plant Health Care
It Looks Like The Roots Are Strangling My Tree
Tree girdling roots is commonly caused by improper planting, like piling too much mulch up against the tree trunk. To help alleviate girdling roots, a certified arborist will use a special tool with compressed air to excavate the soil without damaging the tree.
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