Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Leaking Water Bacterial Wetwood Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Why is Water Coming Out of My Tree Trunk? (Bacterial Wetwood)
Is water pouring out of tree or tree trunk? This could be bacterial wetwood infection, also known as slime flux. Learn why your tree is leaking water and what you can do to help!
Rocky Soil Plants
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Landscaping in Rocky Soil
Planting in rocky soil is possible but takes a little extra prep work. Follow this step-by-step guide on how to prepare rocky soil for planting grass seed and trees.
Fotolia Browning Palm 566X707
Leaf & Needle Problems
Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?
Giving your palm trees proper care includes understanding why their leaves may turn brown and how to best care for them. Here's what causes palm tree leaves to turn brown and what you can do about it.
Dsc 4560
Plant Health Care
DIY Tree Watering With Homemade Tree Watering System
Learn how to make a homemade tree watering system. You can water trees with a 5 gallon bucket or a DIY tree watering bag. Here are the steps.
What A Tree Needs To Be Healthy Big Beautiful Tree Near House Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Do Trees Need to Be Healthy? (Tree Care Information)
Want to grow a big, beautiful tree? Or need to make a struggling tree healthy again? Use these 6 tips to get your tree looking fresh as can be. First...
Compost Leaves
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Compost Shredded, Dry Leaves To Get These Leaf Compost Benefits
Learn how to compost leaves quickly including how to compost dry leaves, make leaf mold in garbage bags (leaf mulch) and how long it takes to compost leaves.
St Louis Tree Planting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
For the Benefit of Planting Trees
Trees in our urban forest are truly valuable from an economic, environmental and social standpoint.
Watering Trees In Drought
Plant Health Care
How Often to Water Trees During a Drought
With a finite amount of costly water, consider limiting water to hydrate your trees first.
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