Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Cat Proof Christmas Tree Ideas
Christmas Tree Care
Cat Proof Christmas Tree Ideas and Tips
It is possible to cat proof your Christmas tree this year! Check out these tips and ideas on how to make your Christmas tree pet-friendly and stop your cat from climbing it.
Live Oak Englunds Tree Service
Trimming & Pruning
Help! How Do I Fix a Topped Tree?
Topping trees is harmful. If you already topped your tree and cut off its top, learn how to fix it. With these 5 steps, you can likely repair your topped tree.
Davey Tree Ash Tree Replacements
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Best Trees To Replace Ash (Ash Tree Alternatives By Zone)
If you removed an ash because of emerald ash borer, plant an ash tree replacement species. Discover the best ash tree alternatives to replace ash trees.
Alligator Juniper Bark
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have An Alligator Juniper?
Think you have an alligator juniper tree in your yard or maybe you’d like to plant one? Here’s what you need to know about alligator juniper trees and planting tips.
Bare Tree With No Leaves In Winter
Plant Health Care
How To Tell If A Tree Is Dead In Winter
In winter, many worry: Is my tree dead or dormant? Use this 3-step check to tell if your tree is dead in winter or just dormant.
Conocarpus Topping In Riyadh Ad
Trimming & Pruning
What Is Tree Topping and Why Topping Is Harmful to Trees
You heard it here. Tree topping is not good for trees. Learn why tree topping damages trees and the right way to reduce trees' height.
Do Deer Eat Leyland Cypress
Tree Selection Guide
Fast Growing Tree for Privacy: Leyland Cypress
A leyland cypress should be planted in hardiness zones 6-10, and the tree needs at least 6 full hours of sunlight every day. It can grow to a height of 50 to 70 feet and should be planted in fall or spring. The most important thing is to avoid planting this evergreen in the heat of summer.
Sassafras Tree Leaves
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Sassafras Tree?
What does a sassafras tree look like? If you suspect you have a sassafras tree in your yard, or if you’re on the lookout for one to plant, recognizing its unique features will be crucial. Here are key characteristics and tips on proper care.
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