Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Snowman Winter Scene
Plant Health Care
How The Polar Freeze Could Affect Your Trees
Although snow is associated with frigid temperatures, the fluffy white snowflakes that often blanket your backyard this time of year actually help ensure the survival of your trees and plants through spring.
Guy Mulching Edit
Soil Care & Mulching
Should I Mulch Around Trees Or Not? Yes, And Here’s Why
Do you have to mulch around trees? Should you mulch around your trees? YES. Here's five reasons science proves why you should put mulch around trees.
Blog Davey Drought To Do Photo 2
Plant Health Care
What Should I Do with My Trees in a Drought?
Planting Trees
Tree Planting & Transplanting
For The Benefit Of Planting Trees
How do trees help us? Why plant trees? Learn about the importance of trees! Here are the latest facts, studies and research on the benefits of planting trees.
Home For Sale Stock
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Easy Landscaping to Help Sell Your Home
A well-groomed landscape not only makes a great first impression, but it can also drive up the value of your home. Read through some tips that can help you turn the best profit on your home.
Benefits Of Shade Trees
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Why Are Shade Trees Important & The Benefits
Learn why shade trees are important and how you can maximize the many benefits of shade trees in your home landscape.
Paperbark Maple
Tree Identification
Trees That Shed Bark During Summer
For some species, trees that shed bark in the summer is a perfectly normal occurrence in the summer months. It’s a part of that tree’s natural aging process.
Money Does Grow On Trees 300X200
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
4 Things to Check Off Your Landscaping Spring Cleaning List
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