Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Remove Burlap And Wire Cage When Planting Tree Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Should Burlap or Wire Baskets Be Removed When Planting Trees?
Even if it's organic, you should remove as much of the burlap as you can. Then, only remove this much of the wire basket...
Pine Trees That Lose Needles In Winter Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What "Pine" Trees Lose Their Needles in Winter?
What pine trees lose their needles in winter, and when do pine needles stop falling? Over your pine shedding needles? Pick pine/evergreen trees that don't drop needles!
White Fluffy Seeds In Air Cottonwood Tree Seeds Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How Long Do White Fluffy Seeds Last on Cottonwood Trees?
Those white fluffy seeds in the air in spring are cottonwood seeds! But how long does cottonwood season last? Cottonwood trees shed cotton for several weeks from late spring to early summer. But can you stop them from producing cotton? Here's how to reduce or stop it entirely.
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Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Best Way to Remove Toilet Paper from Tall Trees
Did your trees get TPed on Halloween? Click for step by step instructions on the best way to get toilet paper, or TP, out of trees - even the tall trees!
How To Keep Ticks Out Of Your Yard Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Keep Ticks Out of Your Yard
With the uptick in tick-related diseases, you need to be more vigilant about keeping ticks out of your yard! Here are a few tips to do just that. Start by...
List Of Thanks1
Plant Health Care
4 Reasons to Thank Your Trees
Here are just a few reasons to be thankful for your trees this holiday season
Hurricane Wind
How to Reduce Wind and Storm Damage on Trees
Protect your trees from high winds and stressful weather with these storm prep practices.
When To Mulch Fall Winter Spring Davey Tree
Soil Care & Mulching
Should I Mulch in Spring, Fall or Before Winter?
Find out when you should mulch your landscape with this quiz. If you like the look of mulch, add in spring. If you have a super cold winter, fall might be better. Or...
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