No time ever feels like the right time to cut down a beloved tree.

But when a tree is dead, damaged, decayed, or otherwise weak, removing it is best.

That way, you can protect yourself, your home and the rest of the landscape you love so much. After all, you wouldn’t want that massive tree to fall on its own! When you remove it on your terms, you have far more control.

So, while deciding to cut down a tree is never easy, removing it at the right time will help make the process go smoother. 

What's the best time of year to cut down trees, including pines?

If a tree is leaning, has roots upheaving, or poses any threat to you or a nearby structure, call an ISA certified arborist® right away. You need to have that tree assessed ASAP, no matter what time of year it is.

You may also need to quickly remove trees that are diseased/infested and could affect other nearby trees. That means if your tree has a pest, like emerald ash borer, or a disease like oak wilt, you should act fast.

If your tree has a less severe problem, one of the best times to remove trees is during the dormant season, between late winter and early spring.

Here’s why. Dormant trees are leafless and lighter, so it’s much easier for a certified arborist to cut and handle the branches. Even if the branches aren’t bare, like on pine trees, the frozen ground helps other plants in your yard stay in place.

But, just as trees require different care when they’re growing and thriving, a wide variety of factors goes into deciding when it's time to remove that specific tree. So, it’s hard to say when to cut down your tree without seeing it in person.

Is there a time of year when it's cheapest to have a tree cut down?

You may have heard that trees are cheaper to remove in winter or that summer will always be the most expensive time to remove trees.

But, the truth is that a lot of factors go into the cost of removing a tree. The price depends on the size, location and needs of your specific tree, not necessarily the time of year. Some local jurisdictions also have ordinances that affect the tree removal process.

Whenever the job is done, you’ll get the most bang for your buck by working with a certified arborist. They’ve got experience and insurance, and because of the rigorous certification process, they’ll be informative and transparent throughout the removal process. So, they'll help you navigate those ordinances. 

Plus, this is not a job to DIY. Removing large trees is a dangerous process that should be handled by professional arborists.

See if (and when) you should have your tree removed by clicking for a free estimate.


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