Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Gypsy Moth Caterpillar On Leaf Davey Tree
Spongy Moth: Facts, Life Cycle, Damage and Control
Spongy moth infestation? Learn about the spongy moth life cycle, how to control them and what damage they can do to your trees. Read on to discover how bad Spongy moths will be in Massachusetts in 2018 and more spongy moth facts!
Japanese Beetle
Insect & Disease Issues
Are Japanese Beetles Doing Damage to Your Tree Leaves?
Below discover what trees Japanese beetles do and don’t like to eat and how to get rid of this garden pest.
Do Deer Eat Leyland Cypress
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect & Repair Trees from Animals: Deer, Rabbits, Squirrels
Your trees are staples in your yard, and while you welcome wildlife, you’d hate to see them destroy these strong, sturdy plants in your yard. Here is how to protect your trees from animals.
Holes In Tree Trunk Small Medium Large Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
What Causes Tiny Rows of Holes in Tree Trunk (Maple, Oak, Apple)?
Is it a bug? A bird? Who is marking up your tree's trunk? Well, it's probably a borer or a bird. Keep reading to pinpoint who's the culprit and what you can do!
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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
My Tree Was Struck By Lightning. What Do I Do?
Lightning can injure trees to the point that they need to be removed for safety. But, let’s dig a little deeper into what could be going on with your lightning-struck tree.
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Insect & Disease Issues
Are Box Tree Moths Dangerous?
Box tree moths can cause substantial damage to boxwoods, potentially leading to their death if not managed promptly. Learn how to manage and treat.
Hurricane Wind
How to Reduce Wind and Storm Damage on Trees
Protect your trees from high winds and stressful weather with these storm prep practices.
4 11 19 Winter Burn
Plant Health Care
How To Help Evergreen Shrubs With Winter Burn
Harsh sun actually works against evergreens in winter. Come springtime, these endlessly green plants might turn brown from the damage. Find out more here!
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