Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Webworm End Of Branch
Insect & Disease Issues
Why Is My Tree Covered In Webs?
Tree webworms spin their webs at very tip of branches, while Eastern tent caterpillars spin their webs in tree “pockets.” Find a short list of common trees these tree pests feed on and how to proactively prevent them.
Certified Arborist Near Me
Davey Knowledge
Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Certified Arborist 
Hiring a professional certified arborist to maintain your trees comes with many benefits, including longer tree life, continued curb appeal, and increased value.
Plantmoretrees 21
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
When to Remove Tree Wrap or Tree Guards After Winter
With protective wrap swaddled around trunks in winter, our trees can safely make it through the tough season. Read on to find out when you should remove tree wrap.
092115 Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Fall Tree Care: Replenish Lost Nutrients With Fertilizer
Find out the four benefits to applying a slow-release fertilizer to your trees during the fall season, and tips for choosing the right fertilizer.
Deep Planting1 319X241
Tree Planting & Transplanting
In Too Deep?
Planting a tree right in the first place is the goal. Paying attention to the details in this process can mean a healthier, more vigorous, and successful tree that will add multiple and growing benefits to your landscape for years to come.
Winter Tree Care
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Winter Tree Care Tips for Roots, Trunks and Branches
Follow these winter tree care tips to keep your trees roots, trunk and branches healthy and strong through the cold, winter season. It’s the care you provide before and during that makes a difference.
Adobestock 88082871
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
My Tree Was Struck By Lightning. What Do I Do?
Lightning can injure trees to the point that they need to be removed for safety. But, let’s dig a little deeper into what could be going on with your lightning-struck tree.
3 28 19 Diy Trimming Tree Branches
Trimming & Pruning
DIY - How to Trim Tree Branches Yourself
Large pruning jobs should be left to a professional, but trimming small branches and trees is perfectly manageable. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to pruning small branches and small trees.
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