Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Planting Tips
Tips and Tricks on How to Plant Trees in the Spring
Spring is here and now is a great time for planting trees. Learn how to choose the right tree for your yard, how to plant a tree, how to find the right soil for your tree, and how often you should be watering your new tree.
Blog Redo 5 Steps To Spring Photo
The 5 Steps to Spring Landscape Success
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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Protect Your Home by Prepping Trees for Tornadoes and Hurricanes
If you live in an area where tornadoes or hurricanes happen, you already know how important it is to prep early in the tornado and hurricane season. See what you can do to reduce storm damage.
110215 Winterflowerbed
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Preparing Your Garden, Flower or Raised Beds for Winter
Follow these tips and instructions on how to prepare garden beds for winter to help keep your plants and flowers healthy through the dormant season.
Davey Tree Tent Caterpillars Oak Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of Spring Webworms or Eastern Tent Caterpillars
Spot spring webworms in your trees? Learn how harmful tent caterpillars are to trees and how to get rid of tent worms or tent caterpillars. You can usually remove them by hand and kill them by dropping them into water and dish soap. But if you have lots, use a tent caterpillar spray.
Winter Tree Care For Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Worst Mistakes Prepping Trees For Winter
Avoid these common mistakes when prepping your trees and plants for winter: incorrectly wrapping trees and shrubs, skipping tree pruning, not applying insect prevention oils, overwintering insects and not storing container plants properly.
Davey Tree Tree Root Growth
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Transplanting: Cutting Tree Roots Without Killing A Tree
Before transplanting a tree there’s crucial root prep involved. But before you attempt to prune tree roots on your own, read this post to learn how to keep your tree as safe as possible in the process.
Blog Davey Summer Bash Photo 2
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Prep Your Landscape for a Summer Backyard Bash
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