Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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091515 Fall Checklist
Fall Tree Care Checklist: Prepare Your Property for Challenging Winter Conditions
Follow this fall landscape checklist to keep your trees and landscape healthy through harsh winter conditions.
Hardy Trees
Tree Selection Guide
Top Hardy Trees & Shrubs (By Zone)
With a little research, you can find out exactly what flowers, trees, and shrubs will look the best in your yard while factoring in climate, temperature, and weather.
Newly Planted Evergreen Yellow Brown Or Dying Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Help A Newly Planted Evergreen Turning Yellow, Brown Or Dying
Is your newly planted evergreen turning yellow or brown? Learn if your newly planted evergreen is dying and how to fix it.
Poison Ivy Sign
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy on Your Property
A poison ivy plant can crowd out the plants that you want there. They take over the area and steal valuable water and nutrients from other the plants.
Winter Tree Care For Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Worst Mistakes Prepping Trees For Winter
Avoid these common mistakes when prepping your trees and plants for winter: incorrectly wrapping trees and shrubs, skipping tree pruning, not applying insect prevention oils, overwintering insects and not storing container plants properly.
Native Trees
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Is it Safe to Plant Trees in Summer?
You may be tempted to plant trees in the summer when the sun is shining, but is summer a good tree planting time? Follow these rules for best times to plant a tree so you can give your tree a solid start.
Winter Tree Damage
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Prevent Ice Damage On Trees
How can you help prevent ice damage to trees? Learn more here
Bumps Or Burls On Tree Trunk Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Are Bumps on Branches and Trunks (Burls) Bad for Trees?
If you spot growing bumps on your tree trunk or bumps on tree branches, those are burls on trees! But are burls bad for trees? Usually not. Burls typically don’t do any harm to trees. But you should get to the bottom of why they're growing. Look for...
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