Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Trimming & Pruning
Avoid Pruning Oak Trees in Summer – Oak Wilt Causes
If you love oak trees as much as us, you’ve dreaded the deadly oak wilt disease. Read on to learn why, pruning oak trees in summer increases their risk of oak wilt.
Winter Injury
Plant Health Care
Freeze and Thaw Damage on Trees
Read how fluctuating winter temperatures and frost can affect tree growth and cause other types of winter injury. Mulching trees in fall and tree guards are just a couple things you can do to help minimize damage, learn more.
Ants On Tree
Plant Health Care
How To Get Rid Of Ants Near Your Trees
Learn how to get rid of ants on trees and plants and if ants are killing your tree. Are ants around tree roots good or bad?
Dutch Elm Disease
Insect & Disease Issues
Are Your Trees Victims To Fall Fungal Diseases?
Watering Trees In Drought
Plant Health Care
How Often to Water Trees During a Drought
With a finite amount of costly water, consider limiting water to hydrate your trees first.
Best Time To Fertilize Evergreens
Plant Health Care
When To Fertilize Evergreens: Should You Fertilize Evergreens In The Winter?
Slow-release fertilization is so beneficial for your evergreens. The ideal way to determine your fertilizer choice is to conduct a soil test to confirm what nutrients your soil is lacking. However, fertilizing during certain seasons can be beneficial, learn more.
Frozen Tree Branches
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Help! I Have Trees Bent Over by Ice. What Do I Do?
The best thing to do with frozen tree branches is to leave them alone! Once the ice melts you can assess the tree branch for pruning. If a large tree branch breaks off from ice or snow, contact a local arborist to discuss options like cabling and bracing.
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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
How to Spot—And Protect—Trees from Lightning
What exactly happens when lightning strikes a tree? Learn that and how to tell if a tree was hit by lightning. Plus, you can protect your trees from lightning damage.
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