Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Flowerbed Stock
Soil Care & Mulching
Guide to Edging Around Trees and Mulch Beds
Landscape edging is a small but important detail. Follow our step-by-step tutorials on how to edge around your trees and mulch beds, and what not to do.
Choosing A Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
What Type Of Mulch To Choose: Mulch Selection Guide
It’s almost that time of year again to start mulching. Now’s a great time to read up on the various types of mulch and decide which one’s right for your landscape.
Pest And Disease Center Diplodia Tip Blight Sideimage2 608X341
Insect & Disease Issues
Diplodia Tip Blight On Pines
Diplodia fungus causes the tips of your pine needles to turn brown and mostly occurs during the growing season from March through October. Ways to treat diplodia tip blight is first by keeping your pine and evergreens healthy and properly irrigated throughout the year. Learn more.
Tree Transplanting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant A Tree Where Another Died?
Planting a tree where your old tree died can be tricky. To avoid replant disease and ensure tree planting success, follow these tips on how to plant a tree properly.
Fuligo Septica Dog Vomit Mold
What Is The White Stuff Growing On My Mulch?
It’s unpleasant, unattractive, some might even say icky. But it’s a common problem that can pop up in our yards. It’s slime mold. Also known as “dog vomit fungus” or “scrambled egg fungus".
Black Twig Borer Control
Insect & Disease Issues
Tree Pest (Insect): Black Twig Borer
Plants commonly affected by Black twig borer (also referred to as black coffee borer or black coffee twig) include black gum, dogwood, Japanese maple, and more. Learn what black twig borer looks like, the life cycle, and control and prevention methods.
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Plant Health Care
Spring Tree Care Starts ... NOW?
Now is the perfect time to start planning for the good health of your trees. We think it's a great idea to plan ahead for a happy, healthy growing season.
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Soil Care & Mulching
Davey SoilCare®: How to Improve Soil Health with Biochar
Improve soil quality for optimal plant growth with biochar. Biochar helps conserve plant nutrients and holds water like a sponge where plant roots can access it when they need it, learn more.
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