Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Will Pine Tree Roots Damage A Foundation
Trimming & Pruning
Is It Safe To Cut Pine Roots Growing Close To My House?
When pine tree roots grow near your home foundation, you might wonder whether or not you can cut the roots of a tree without killing it. We provide answers to the question: Can you cut pine tree roots?
Drought Conditions Udra11 Fotolia Com
Plant Health Care
The Dirt On Drought Stress And Its Effect On Your Trees
What Causes Ganoderma Root Rot
Insect & Disease Issues
Ganoderma Root Rot Treatment
“Ganoderma root rot” is a fungus that causes a wood-decaying infection that occurs through tree wounds, and attacks a variety of deciduous trees, such as maples, oaks, and honey locusts, as well as ashes, elms, and some conifers as well as palms. Here are symptoms and signs.
AS 285177860 Tubakia Maple
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Are These Water Marks On My Tree Leaves?
Tubakia leaf spot on oak is often confused with oak anthracnose. One way to tell them apart is the timing of leaf spots. Learn more.
Plantmoretrees 42
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Transplanting Cost for Big and Small Trees
So exactly how much does it cost to transplant a tree? Keep reading to find out what factors go into an estimate.
Maple Tree In Fall
Leaf & Needle Problems
What’s Wrong with My Maple Tree and Its Leaves?
Does your maple tree look stressed? Look for maple dieback signs like small leaves and dying branches. Read to see if your maple tree is dying or how to save it.
Trees Losing Leaves In Early Or Late Summer Or Early Fall Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are Trees Losing Leaves In August Or Early Fall?
A reader asked why her oak tree was losing all its leaves summer. If your tree is losing leaves in early summer (June) or late summer (August), find out why. We outline why oak, maple and ash trees lose leaves in summer. Or if you're seeing tree leaves lose leaves early in the fall, click here!
Pin Oak Tree Care
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Pin Oak?
Pin oak trees are one of the fastest-growing shade trees. Here are some characteristics to help identify if you have a pin oak. Hint, the pin oak tree leaves stand out among other oaks.
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