Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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AS 507630274 Xyleborus Monographus MOB
Insect & Disease Issues
Mediterranean Oak Borer Threat
Here’s what you should know about this species of ambrosia beetle and how you can keep it from munching on your favorite trees.
How To Identify A Juniper Tree
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Juniper Tree?
Juniper trees and shrubs can naturally grow in so many different climates and come in about 60 different species. A helpful way to identify a juniper tree is by its pinecones, learn more.
European Spruce Bark Beetle Ips Typographus On Wood Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
What Trees Do Bark Beetles Attack and Can I Get Rid of Them?
Here are all the bark beetle facts you need! Learn what trees they attack and what they eat. You'll also learn the identification process for bark beetles, the damage they do and the treatment for bark beetles.
Stop Needles From Falling Off Christmas Tree Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
How to Stop Needles from Falling Off Your Christmas Tree
Tired of sweeping up those prickly needles after stepping on them? Well, try this trick to stop that!
Plantmoretrees 42
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Transplanting Cost for Big and Small Trees
So exactly how much does it cost to transplant a tree? Keep reading to find out what factors go into an estimate.
Birchtree320 20Copy 400X267
Plant Health Care
Applying Dormant Oils Can Help Protect Your Trees From Parasitic Insects
Dormant oils, also known as horticultural oils, will help to keep your trees and shrubs healthy and give you a head start on insect management in the spring.
Tree Identification
Do I Have a River Birch Tree?
Here’s a guide on how to identify a River Birch Tree by its leaf shape and bark characteristics. You will also gain insight on how to properly care for River Birch Trees for optimal growth and longevity.
How To Treat Fire Damaged Trees
Plant Health Care
How To Help Restore Trees Burned By Wildfires
Following proper tree care after a wildfire can help restore your fire-damaged trees.
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