Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Browning Evergreen
Leaf & Needle Problems
What To Do When Evergreen Trees Are Dying From Top Down
Think your pine, evergreen or spruce tree is dying from the top down? Find out why the top of your evergreen is turning brown and what you can do.
Evergreen Tree Identification Guide
Tree Identification
Evergreen Tree Identification Guide: How to Tell the Difference Among Spruce, Fir and Pine Trees
Identifying evergreens can be tricky! Follow this guide on how to tell if you have a Spruce, Fir, or Pine tree by the shape of its needles and texture of cones. You will learn the different characteristics and differentiators.
Best Time To Prune Evergreens
Trimming & Pruning
When to Trim Evergreens
Different evergreen species have different pruning requirements compared to others and trimming timeframes. Be careful to not over prune the plant and cause additional challenges like inviting diseases or pests.
Dwarf Evergreen Container Plants
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Transplanting Evergreens 101
Here are some guidelines and tree moving tips so you can get a better idea of whether or not your favorite evergreen can be successfully transplanted to a new spot in your landscape.
How To Treat Winter Burn On Evergreens
Plant Health Care
Winter Watering for Evergreens: What You Need to Know
Once the ground is frozen, watering your evergreen isn’t necessary, but if you live in a warmer climate where the ground doesn’t freeze, you should water your evergreen in winter as often as it needs it. Proper watering can also help prevent winter burn on your evergreens.
Pine Trees That Lose Needles In Winter Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What "Pine" Trees Lose Their Needles in Winter?
What pine trees lose their needles in winter, and when do pine needles stop falling? Over your pine shedding needles? Pick pine/evergreen trees that don't drop needles!
Best Time To Fertilize Evergreens
Plant Health Care
When To Fertilize Evergreens: Should You Fertilize Evergreens In The Winter?
Slow-release fertilization is so beneficial for your evergreens. The ideal way to determine your fertilizer choice is to conduct a soil test to confirm what nutrients your soil is lacking. However, fertilizing during certain seasons can be beneficial, learn more.
How To Plant A Tree Burlap Wrapped
Tree Planting & Transplanting
When Is The Best Time Of Year To Plant Trees? (Evergreens and Maples)
With the summer heat gone, fall is the best time to plant new trees! But is it the best time to plant all trees? Is fall still the best time to plant evergreen, pine, maple, and birch trees?
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