Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Arborvitae New Growth Rate Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Do Arborvitae Branches Grow Back After Deer Or Storm Damage?
If your arborvitae are damaged, can you repair them? Arborvitae branches can grow back, if conditions are right. Click to learn how fast arborvitae grow.
Tree Doctor
Plant Health Care
What is the Definition of Plant Health Care?
The best way to keep trees healthy? Plant health care. Learn what plant health care is and how it benefits your trees.
Does Tapping Damage Maple Trees Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tapping Doesn’t Seriously Damage Maple Trees (But Don't Plug Holes)
Tapping doesn't seriously damage maple trees - if you do it right! First, learn if your maple tree is big enough to tap (and if so many taps you can make per maple tree). Then, at the end of the season, you shouldn't be plugging maple tap holes. Trees will grow over that tiny hole in no time!
Best And Worst Trees To Plant Near A House
Tree Selection Guide
The Best and Worst Trees to Plant Near a House (By Zone)
Learn about the worst trees to plant near your house and what trees to avoid such as the white ash and oak because of their widespread, invasive roots.
Spring Tree Inspection
Plant Health Care
Plant Health Care Program For Healthier Trees & Shrubs
A plant health care program is a comprehensive and proactive approach to maintaining the health and beauty of your landscape. By investing in regular monitoring and preventative care, you can enjoy immediate and long-term benefits, ensuring that your trees and shrubs thrive for years to come.
Fall Armyworm
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What’s Destroying My Lawn: Fall Armyworm Damage & Control
What’s damaging my lawn? It could be armyworms! Early feeding damage looks like drought-stressed grass but can quickly progress to complete browning if there are a lot of fall armyworms present., learn more.
Box Tree Moth
Insect & Disease Issues
Check Your Boxwoods for Emerging Pest: Box Tree Moth
Learn how to identify and protect your plants from the invasive box tree moth. Discover the pest's life cycle, signs of box tree moth damage, and effective control measures to keep your shrubs healthy.
When To Plant Grass Seed In Spring
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Can I Plant Grass Seed in April?
For optimal growth, learn when the best time is to plant grass seed in spring for the Northeast and Midwest, and why the best time to plant grass seed differs based on certain regional weather elements.
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