Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Gypsy Moth Caterpillar On Leaf Davey Tree
Spongy Moth: Facts, Life Cycle, Damage and Control
Spongy moth infestation? Learn about the spongy moth life cycle, how to control them and what damage they can do to your trees. Read on to discover how bad Spongy moths will be in Massachusetts in 2018 and more spongy moth facts!
Pink Magnolia Tree
Best Trees to Plant for Shade for Your Front & Back Yard
Trees come in all shapes and sizes, and you want to get the one that most fits your specific climate and conditions, here is our list of the best trees to plant near your house for shade.
Tree Transplanting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant A Tree Where Another Died?
Planting a tree where your old tree died can be tricky. To avoid replant disease and ensure tree planting success, follow these tips on how to plant a tree properly.
Planting A New Tree Where One Was Removed Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Is It OK to Plant a Tree in the Same Spot?
Is it okay to plant a tree in the same spot where an old one was just removed? Planting a tree where a tree was before is possible. But no, it probably isn’t the best idea! Learn why and learn how close can you plant a tree to a stump and if it's ok to plant a new one over a ground out stump.
Mantua Rdent Browse 20130226 00627
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Protect Small Trees And Shrubs From Rabbits
In their quest for a quick bite to eat, rabbits can leave the bottom of plants totally bark-less. Below, read about how to prevent rabbit feeding, and learn how to help an injured plant recoup.
Treeswing Stock Tt
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Properly Install A Tree Swing And Avoid Damage To My Tree
about the best approach to creating a kid-proof, tree-friendly swing.
Viburnum Leaf Beetle 1
Insect & Disease Issues
Viburnum Leaf Beetle: Tree Pest Alert
Here’s what Viburnum Leaf Beetle tree damage looks like with a list of susceptible tree species and resistant tree species.
Best Way To Grow New Grass
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Best Time to Plant New Grass Seed: Pros and Cons for Each Season
Installing a new lawn can be an overwhelming task for any homeowner. And timing is a crucial component in seeding a yard. Here are the best times to plant new grass seed with the pros and cons for each season, Spring and Fall.
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