Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Should I Wrap Tree In Burlap Evergreen In Winter Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Should I Wrap Trees for Winter Protection?
You bundle up in a heavy coat for winter, so should you help your trees cozy up, too? You should wrap your tree if...
Ivy Growing On Trees
Trimming & Pruning
Why You Should Be Removing Ivy From Trees (And How To Do It!)
Does it harm trees for ivy to grow? Learn if you should remove ivy from trees and the best techniques for removing ivy from trees. You can even kill ivy with vinegar.
Peach Tree Leaf Disease
Leaf & Needle Problems
Do Peach Trees Lose Their Leaves in the Fall?
Peach leaf curl is a fungal disease that targets trees during growing season. Once the fungus is in full swing there’s no way to stop it. Your best course of action is to treat the tree with fungicide before the next growing season.
How To Attract Birds To Your Yard
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees and Plants for Bird Lovers
Learn how to attract birds to your yard by planting trees, flowers or shrubs that are native to your area. In this post, we share the best trees and flowers to consider that are bird-friendly. As well as flowers that attract hummingbirds.
Trees Losing Leaves In Early Or Late Summer Or Early Fall Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are Trees Losing Leaves In August Or Early Fall?
A reader asked why her oak tree was losing all its leaves summer. If your tree is losing leaves in early summer (June) or late summer (August), find out why. We outline why oak, maple and ash trees lose leaves in summer. Or if you're seeing tree leaves lose leaves early in the fall, click here!
Conocarpus Topping In Riyadh Ad
Trimming & Pruning
What Is Tree Topping and Why Topping Is Harmful to Trees
You heard it here. Tree topping is not good for trees. Learn why tree topping damages trees and the right way to reduce trees' height.
Davey Tree Maple Tree Helicopter
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Plant These Seedless Maples Without Helicopter Seeds
Looking for a maple tree without helicopter seeds? Check out this list of seedless maples! And learn if the sienna glen maple vs autumn blaze maple is better!
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Trimming & Pruning
Should I Be Pruning Fruit Trees in Summer?
When to trim your fruit trees? Is summer pruning good for fruit trees? Read on to find out...
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