Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Pest And Disease Center Eab Thumbnail 800X532
Insect & Disease Issues
Does Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Work?
Does EAB treatment really work? Find out how effective emerald ash borer treatment is and the EAB treatment options – including DIY EAB treatment.
Snow On Leaf
How to Clean Up the Landscape After a Snowy Winter
What Type Of Grass Do I Have
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Type Of Grass Do I Have?
Starting a lawn from scratch? It’s important to identify your grass type based on where you live. Here are common grass types for cool and warm regions.
Tree Planting Transplanting Transplanting Cost Alternating 640X426
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Large Tree Transplanting: How Big of a Tree Can Be Moved?
There are some ways to transplant large trees to ensure their survival. Let’s look at how to transplant a mature tree so you can better understand if this is an option for a big tree on your property.
Mulch That Repels Bugs
Soil Care & Mulching
What Mulch is Best For Repelling Bugs?
What mulch is best for repelling bugs? Try cedar, melaleuca, or plastic mulch! Cedar is known to repel ants, moths, mosquitoes, and carpet beetles. Melaleuca is known to keep away termites. Plastic mulch deters aphids, thrips, and whiteflies.
Ivy Growing On Trees
Trimming & Pruning
Why You Should Be Removing Ivy From Trees (And How To Do It!)
Does it harm trees for ivy to grow? Learn if you should remove ivy from trees and the best techniques for removing ivy from trees. You can even kill ivy with vinegar.
Arborvitae New Growth Rate Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Do Arborvitae Branches Grow Back After Deer Or Storm Damage?
If your arborvitae are damaged, can you repair them? Arborvitae branches can grow back, if conditions are right. Click to learn how fast arborvitae grow.
How To Winterize Or Store Potted Fruit Tree In Winter Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Winterizing and Storing Potted Trees Over Winter
Learn how you can protect your potted trees from the winter cold!
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