Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Davey Tree Sap Oozing From Fruit Tree
Plant Health Care
Can You Stop A Fruit Tree From Leaking Sap (Cherry, Plum Or Peach)?
Colleen said, “I have a plum tree that's oozing sap, and many branches feel dead. Is this OK?” Stop the tree from leaking sap and see if plum tree sap is edible.
Tree Transplanting (1)
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Transplant A Tree: What To Do And What Not To Do
Microsoftteams Image 16
Soil Care & Mulching
The Best Way to Cover Your Exposed Tree Roots
What's the best way cover tree roots above ground? Add mulch? Or perhaps topsoil or grass seed? How about gravel or concrete? Click to find your best option.
Tree With Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
Step By Step: How To Remove Grass To Mulch Around Trees
If there's grass around tree trunks, remove it before mulching around trees. Try this easy trick to kill the grass around tree trunks, then learn how to mulch!
Landscape Stock
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Landscaping Ideas To Make Your New Home Your Own
Need help adding a personal touch to your new landscape? Keep on reading!
Fall Landscape Checklist Leaves 497X330
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
5 Smart Steps for a Winter-Ready Landscape
Tree Planting Transplanting Transplanting Cost Alternating 640X426
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Large Tree Transplanting: How Big of a Tree Can Be Moved?
There are some ways to transplant large trees to ensure their survival. Let’s look at how to transplant a mature tree so you can better understand if this is an option for a big tree on your property.
Best And Worst Trees To Plant Near A House
Tree Selection Guide
The Best and Worst Trees to Plant Near a House (By Zone)
Learn about the worst trees to plant near your house and what trees to avoid such as the white ash and oak because of their widespread, invasive roots.
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