Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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What Causes Ganoderma Root Rot
Insect & Disease Issues
Ganoderma Root Rot Treatment
“Ganoderma root rot” is a fungus that causes a wood-decaying infection that occurs through tree wounds, and attacks a variety of deciduous trees, such as maples, oaks, and honey locusts, as well as ashes, elms, and some conifers as well as palms. Here are symptoms and signs.
Tree With Transplant Shock Brown Leaves On New Tree Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Helping Trees Recover from Transplant Shock
Leaves dropping after transplant? Not sure if your trees in shock or dead? Learn how to save a dying transplanted tree and about tree transplant shock recovery.
Car Driving Through Snowy Forest
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How Rock Salt May Be Affecting Your Lawn
Drought Tolerant Landscaping
Plant Health Care
How to Keep Your Landscape Resilient During Seasonal Summer Drought
Here’s your ultimate guide on how to keep plants alive during drought-like conditions, the visible signs of heat stress in plants, and post-heat stress plant care tips.V
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Property Maintenance & Landscaping
New Construction Landscaping: Things To Consider
New construction landscaping is an overwhelming task! Learn how to amend new construction soil and how to plan for a new landscape.
Dormant Pruning
Trimming & Pruning
What Exactly Does The Dormant Season Mean For Your Trees?
Tree dormancy is a phrase often used while discussing landscaping, but what exactly does it mean?
Sassafras Tree Leaves
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Sassafras Tree?
What does a sassafras tree look like? If you suspect you have a sassafras tree in your yard, or if you’re on the lookout for one to plant, recognizing its unique features will be crucial. Here are key characteristics and tips on proper care.
Oversaturated Soil
Soil Care & Mulching
How to Fix Oversaturated Soil
Here's what you need to know about well-drained soil and how to drain waterlogged ground to improve your landscape and plants, read more.
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