Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Impact Of Trees On Climate Change
Davey Knowledge
Climate Change On Trees
How are forests affected by climate change? Learn more about the effects of climate change on tree species so you can better care for your trees.
Overwatered Trees
Plant Health Care
Signs Of Underwatering Trees Or Overwatering Trees
Learn the difference between overwatering and underwatering a tree including signs of overwatering, signs of underwatering trees and how to fix an overwatered tree.
How Do Trees Prepare For Winter And Tree Dormancy Tree With Autumn Leaves And Snow Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How Do Deciduous Trees Prepare For and Survive Winter?
While it may look like trees hibernate all winter, they aren't dead or asleep! In fact, they keep working hard and growing. To have that kind of energy, they...
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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Protect Your Home by Prepping Trees for Tornadoes and Hurricanes
If you live in an area where tornadoes or hurricanes happen, you already know how important it is to prep early in the tornado and hurricane season. See what you can do to reduce storm damage.
Blog Feature Privacy Tree
Tree Selection Guide
Top 5 Low Maintenance Evergreens for Privacy
Evergreens are great choices for privacy screens because they add this cover and color all year long. Let’s look at the best evergreens to plant for privacy.
Davey Tree Stop Sweetgum Tree From Producing
Plant Health Care
Getting Rid of Sweetgum Tree Balls
Learn when sweetgum tree balls fall, if they're edible and how to stop sweetgum trees from producing. Or you could plant a fruitless sweetgum tree as an alternative.
How To Winterize Or Store Potted Fruit Tree In Winter Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Winterizing and Storing Potted Trees Over Winter
Learn how you can protect your potted trees from the winter cold!
Winter Tree Care For Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Worst Mistakes Prepping Trees For Winter
Avoid these common mistakes when prepping your trees and plants for winter: incorrectly wrapping trees and shrubs, skipping tree pruning, not applying insect prevention oils, overwintering insects and not storing container plants properly.
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