Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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When To Mulch Fall Winter Spring Davey Tree
Soil Care & Mulching
Should I Mulch in Spring, Fall or Before Winter?
Find out when you should mulch your landscape with this quiz. If you like the look of mulch, add in spring. If you have a super cold winter, fall might be better. Or...
Signs Of A Stressed Tree
Plant Health Care
Signs & Symptoms Of Tree Stress (Plus Treatment)
Learn the signs of symptoms of a stressed tree including tree stress after planting, and signs of drought stress in trees. Then discover treatment for tree stress.
Adobestock 88082871
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
My Tree Was Struck By Lightning. What Do I Do?
Lightning can injure trees to the point that they need to be removed for safety. But, let’s dig a little deeper into what could be going on with your lightning-struck tree.
Aerating Lawn 2019
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What To Do Before Overseeding My Lawn
Follow our step-by-step guide on what to do before overseeding (reseeding) your lawn. The most important step in the process is aeration! Learn more.
Black Knot Fungus Must Credit Joseph Obrien Usda Forest Service Bugwoodorg
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Get Rid of Black Fungus on My Tree’s Trunk or Branches
Black fungus on your tree trunk or tree branches? Black knot disease is common in chokecherry trees and plum trees. Although you can eat plums from a tree with black knot, you should still contact an arborist to learn how to get rid of black knot on trees and how you can treat black knot fungus!
What Does A Flowering Dogwood Look Like
Plant Health Care
When Do Flowering Trees Bloom in Spring, Including Fruit Trees
Everything you need to know about which fruit or flowering trees bloom in spring. Get a list of trees by growing zones that have pink or yellow flowers, and which flowering trees have the longest bloom. Is your fruit or flowering tree not blooming? Learn why!
Trimming & Pruning
Avoid Pruning Oak Trees in Summer – Oak Wilt Causes
If you love oak trees as much as us, you’ve dreaded the deadly oak wilt disease. Read on to learn why, pruning oak trees in summer increases their risk of oak wilt.
Live Oak Englunds Tree Service
Trimming & Pruning
Help! How Do I Fix a Topped Tree?
Topping trees is harmful. If you already topped your tree and cut off its top, learn how to fix it. With these 5 steps, you can likely repair your topped tree.
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