Palm trees require specific year-round care to maintain their recognizable fronds and stems. From proper pruning to consistent watering and fertilization, knowing how to care for palms properly can be a challenge. To make things more complicated, this care can also vary depending on location. 

Florida and Las Vegas are both palm-friendly climates that drastically differ in weather. While Florida’s weather can be associated with the humid subtropics, Las Vegas is a desert city that experiences drier climates. Because of these differences, palm tree care like watering, fertilizing, pruning, and winter care may not look the same.

Palm Tree Soil Care

Soil supports palm tree roots, allowing them to anchor into the ground against strong winds while  channeling the nutrients they need to grow.  Well-draining soils are best for palm roots to spread and grow and  reduce the risk of root rot or other diseases from overwatering. 

Generally, a mixture of sand, peat moss, and pine bark provides the right balance of drainage and nutrient retention for palms at planting 

For Florida palm trees, native soil can lack the nutrition needed for healthy trees, such as, magnesium, and manganese. In Las Vegas, palms tend to need pH level management because of the alkaline soil.

Watering Palm Trees

Some  palm trees are drought-tolerant plants, making them perfect for Las Vegas climate where rainfall is less consistent. Other species can tolerate greater amounts of precipitation such as occurring in Florida. Overwatering can cause root rot and other diseases and wash away the nutrients palm trees need to thrive. 

Watering routines in Las Vegas and Florida will differ because of their weather patterns. In Las Vegas, watering deeply  two to three times a week when temperatures reach above 100 degrees can help avoid water stress. A soaker hose with a slow trickle or drip watering will ensure the plant isn’t overwatered. In Florida, watering  once or twice  per week without rainfall should keep palms healthy. Observe all watering restrictions for your specific municipality.

Fertilizing Palm Trees

Fertilizers can help palm trees stay healthy by providing supplemental nutrients that the soil may be missing. In Florida, when using a granular fertilizer,  spread  it evenly around the drip line of the tree and beyond to ensure it reaches the roots. Once distributed, watering the fertilizer will help dissolve the nutrients that can carry them down to the roots.. Liquid fertilizer injections into the root zone are more effective but require the services of a professional arborist. Fertilizer applications are recommended every 3-4 months.

In Las Vegas, desert soil often lacks the essential nutrients palm trees need, making proper fertilization crucial for palm tree health. Using a slow-release granular, palm-specific fertilizer under the canopy of the tree every three months will help your palm trees thrive. Alternately, a liquid fertilizer may be injected directly into the root zone with the added benefit of providing moisture to the roots.

Palm Tree Pruning

Pruning  is an important part in the care and maintenance of palm trees. Removing old growth makes way for new and helps avoid frond breakage.

For Vegas palm trees, pruning fronds and any unwanted fruit or flower stalks in late spring or early summer allows your trees to focus their energy on new growth at the peak of their season. Pruning as close to the trunk allows for a flush appearance. Smaller palms can be trimmed using a pole saw or pruning saw, but it’s best to call a professional for larger or taller trees.

In Florida, pruning palm trees is an essential part of hurricane prep. If left untouched, old palm growth can break off during high winds and storms, causing significant damage to people and infrastructure. Pruning before storm season hits will ensure your trees survive the storm.

Mulching Palm Trees

Mulching is a great way to help palm trees retain moisture, but improperly placed mulch can create trunk rot and cause improper root development. In general, mulch shouldn’t touch the trunk of the palm tree, shouldn’t be built up more than  2 or  3 inches, and should be replaced twice a year.

In both Florida and Las Vegas, mulch also helps regulate soil temperature during high heat, stopping the soil from drying out too quickly.

How to Care for Palm Trees in Las Vegas vs Florida Winter

While Florida and Las Vegas are known for their sunshine and heat, winter months can create lower temps. When palm trees experience cooler temperatures without protection, they can become susceptible to rot issues and frost damage. While winter weather varies in Florida and Las Vegas, palm tree care during the season is similar:

  • Wrapping palm trees in frost cloth or burlap and installing temporary outdoor lighting beneath the canopy can help offer protection and generate heat to avoid frost damage
  • Heavier mulching can help further insulate palm roots by keeping the ground from freezing deeply
  • Adequately watering palms to prepare for winter weather can maximize water availability to their leaves.

See our previously published blog post on protecting palm trees in the winter for more information.



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