Making the bed, walking the dog, packing a lunch, one or all of these things is probably part of your morning routine.

What may not be on the list is watering your trees. Luckily, this to-do provides a moment of solitude and zen in your busy morning. How peaceful is it to stand under your towering trees, listen to the falling water and see the morning sun shine? Spending time among the trees even reduces stress levels.

Watering plants and trees in the morning is best for your plants–and good for your mental well-being

When Should You Water Plants & Trees On A Hot Day?

Morning is the best time to water. Let’s talk about why and the reasons you should avoid watering at night.

Why Morning Is The Best Time To Water Plants

Isn’t it so satisfying to gulp down a tall glass of water first thing in the morning? Trees and plants think so, too. They thrive on a morning soak because:

  • It supplies them with a fresh supply of water to get through the day’s heat.
  • It leaves time to dry before nightfall, which helps prevent fungal diseases.
  • Water has a chance to soak into roots instead of being evaporated by the heat.

Why It Is Bad To Water Plants At Night

Watering at night is not the best for your plants’ leaves or overall health. Here’s why.

After a night time soak, leaves can stay wet for a pretty long time since they don’t have the sun to dry them off. Because of this, damp leaves become extra vulnerable to fungal development.

Try to avoid watering late, especially if you live in a climate with humid nights. Wet leaves and moist weather are perfect conditions for fungus.

Always Aim To Water Plants In The Morning.

So, there you have it! Plan on watering your trees in the morning, particularly on hot, summer days.

Wondering how much water your trees need in the morning?

Discover just how much water to give your trees each week.

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