Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Native Trees
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Is it Safe to Plant Trees in Summer?
You may be tempted to plant trees in the summer when the sun is shining, but is summer a good tree planting time? Follow these rules for best times to plant a tree so you can give your tree a solid start.
Watering Trees In Drought
Plant Health Care
How Often to Water Trees During a Drought
With a finite amount of costly water, consider limiting water to hydrate your trees first.
Stump Grinding
Tree Removal
Is Tree Stump Removal Necessary, Or Is It Better To Grind A Stump?
After removing a tree, what's left behind is that stump! Should you leave it, remove it Or, what about grinding the stump? Keep reading for answers about why and how to remove a tree stump.
Ivy Growing On Trees
Trimming & Pruning
Why You Should Be Removing Ivy From Trees (And How To Do It!)
Does it harm trees for ivy to grow? Learn if you should remove ivy from trees and the best techniques for removing ivy from trees. You can even kill ivy with vinegar.
Guy Mulching Edit
Soil Care & Mulching
Should I Mulch Around Trees Or Not? Yes, And Here’s Why
Do you have to mulch around trees? Should you mulch around your trees? YES. Here's five reasons science proves why you should put mulch around trees.
Davey Tree Sap Oozing From Fruit Tree
Plant Health Care
Can You Stop A Fruit Tree From Leaking Sap (Cherry, Plum Or Peach)?
Colleen said, “I have a plum tree that's oozing sap, and many branches feel dead. Is this OK?” Stop the tree from leaking sap and see if plum tree sap is edible.
Blog Davey Drought To Do Photo 2
Plant Health Care
What Should I Do with My Trees in a Drought?
Evergreen In Container 1
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Grow Evergreens In A Container?
Evergreens grow very well in containers and in most environments! The options are endless, so here's a list of the best evergreens to grow in pots by hardiness and height.
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