Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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How To Keep Ticks Out Of Your Yard Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Keep Ticks Out of Your Yard
With the uptick in tick-related diseases, you need to be more vigilant about keeping ticks out of your yard! Here are a few tips to do just that. Start by...
Davey Tree Crabgrass
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Control Crabgrass In Spring With Pre-Emergent
Control crabgrass now. Learn when to put down pre emergent in spring, how long after pre emergent you can seed and what temperature to apply pre emergent.
Snowy Tree Trunk With Crack
Davey Knowledge
Vertical Split In Tree Trunk: Can It Be Repaired?
Let’s learn more about what causes a tree trunk to split vertically and how to repair a split tree trunk.
Branches On House Stock
Trimming & Pruning
Tree Branches Hanging Over Or Touching Roof? Do This…
Have you noticed tree branches touching your roof? Or perhaps a neighbor’s tree is touching your house? Learn how to cut a limb safely and solve the problem.
Mushroom Id New Jersey Ed Zimmerman 004
Plant Health Care
The Difference Between Promoting Proper Plant Health Care and a Misdiagnosis
Sudden Limb Drop Fallen Branch In Yard Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Is Sudden Branch Drop Syndrome?
Branches falling off of your seemingly healthy tree in summer? That sounds like sudden branch syndrome! Click to learn why this happens and what you should do!
Tree With No Branches Over Pruned Tree
Trimming & Pruning
What Happens If You Cut All the Branches Off of a Tree?
One cut. Two cuts. It started fine. Until you finished pruning and realized you cut off all the branches! Now what? Over time, it will likely recover. Start by...
Crabgrass (2)
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Get Rid Of Crabgrass In The Summer
Learn what crabgrass looks like, why crabgrass is bad and how to get rid of crabgrass with and without chemicals. Here are steps to remove and kill crabgrass in summer.
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