Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Fringe Tree Care
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify a Fringe Tree
Learn how to identify a Fringe tree with these key features, and how to properly care for one with these tree care tips.
Boxwood shrubs
Plant Health Care
Seasonal Boxwood Shrub Care
Here are some tips for how to care for boxwood shrubs so you can keep these hedges healthy and tidy all year long.
Winter Tree Care For Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Worst Mistakes Prepping Trees For Winter
Avoid these common mistakes when prepping your trees and plants for winter: incorrectly wrapping trees and shrubs, skipping tree pruning, not applying insect prevention oils, overwintering insects and not storing container plants properly.
Lawn Overseeding
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Lawn Aeration and Overseeding Aftercare
Once completing aeration and overseeding, you want to make sure you do everything to ensure these processes are successful. Here are some tips to guide you.
Sudden Limb Drop Fallen Branch In Yard Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Is Sudden Branch Drop Syndrome?
Branches falling off of your seemingly healthy tree in summer? That sounds like sudden branch syndrome! Click to learn why this happens and what you should do!
Davey Tree Fall Webworm
Insect & Disease Issues
What Spider Builds Webs in Trees? And How to Get Rid Of Them
What are those web looking things in trees? Surprisingly, a spider didn't build it. Fall webworms did. Find out how to get rid of fall webworms and their webs.
Blog Davey Tree Swings
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees For Hanging A Tree Swing (Tire, Wooden and Seat)
The most important step in installing a tree swing is choosing the right tree.
How To Decorate Front Porch For Winter
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
This Winter, Decorate Your Porch to Impress
While it may seem overwhelming, decorating for the seasons doesn't have to be. Try some of these winter front porch decor suggestions to brighten up your holidays.
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