Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Will Trees Recover From Ice
How to Get Ice Off Trees and Shrubs
Frozen tree branches are at risk of snapping under pressure, but it is best you don't remove ice from trees and shrubs. Here's what you can do to help your trees and shrubs recover from ice.
Davey Tree Salt Tolerant Evergreen Trees
Tree Selection Guide
Salt Tolerant Evergreen Trees (By Zone)
Winter salt can dry out evergreens, making their needles brown or yellow. Instead, select salt tolerant evergreens trees for the northeast region and each zone.
Tree Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Why You Should Fertilize Flowering Trees?
Fertilizing flowering trees can enhance your landscape aesthetics. By using a slow-release fertilizer it encourages blooms while increasing healthy growth. Fertilization strengthens trees by promoting a healthy root system, learn more.
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Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant Trees, Shrubs or Evergreens in the Winter?
Interested in planting trees or shrubs in the winter? Here’s how to tell if it’s OK to plant in winter or if you should wait for a more suitable season.
Car Driving Through Snowy Forest
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
The 7 Best Steps To Prepare Your Trees For A Healthy, Happy New Year
Follow our winter checklist below to keep your trees and landscape healthy by identifying potential issues.
Pine Trees That Lose Needles In Winter Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What "Pine" Trees Lose Their Needles in Winter?
What pine trees lose their needles in winter, and when do pine needles stop falling? Over your pine shedding needles? Pick pine/evergreen trees that don't drop needles!
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Tree Selection Guide
Do Bees Like Trees? Trees for Bees Guide
Include bees for trees when creating a pollinator garden! The best trees for bees are…
How Often To Prune Trees And Oak Trees Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
How Often to Prune Trees (Including Oak Trees)
How often do you need to trim oak trees? Learn how often to prune trees to and avoid deadly oak wilt.
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