Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Landscaping Around Trees With Stone
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Landscape Tree Ring Ideas
Learn how to landscape around a tree like a professional. In this post, follow our step-by-step guide on how to build a border around a tree using rocks or stone. We also provide some tips on how to build a tree ring on uneven ground.
Dsc 2954
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tree Appraisals: The Value Of Trees
Quantifying the value of trees can be a complex and nuanced process that requires careful consideration of various factors, learn more.
St Louis Tree Planting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
For the Benefit of Planting Trees
Trees in our urban forest are truly valuable from an economic, environmental and social standpoint.
Dormant Pruning 600X400
5 Reasons to Prune During the Dormant Season
The dormant season temporarily slows tree growth, creating an ideal window to prune for current tree health and future tree growth.
Planting Trees
Tree Planting & Transplanting
For The Benefit Of Planting Trees
How do trees help us? Why plant trees? Learn about the importance of trees! Here are the latest facts, studies and research on the benefits of planting trees.
Davey Tree Trenching Through Tree Roots
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Dig Around & Trench Through Tree Roots
“How can I dig a 3-foot deep trench line near my 100-year-old oak without damaging it?” Learn how the best way to dig through (or cut through) tree roots.
Mulch That Repels Bugs
Soil Care & Mulching
What Mulch is Best For Repelling Bugs?
What mulch is best for repelling bugs? Try cedar, melaleuca, or plastic mulch! Cedar is known to repel ants, moths, mosquitoes, and carpet beetles. Melaleuca is known to keep away termites. Plastic mulch deters aphids, thrips, and whiteflies.
Fall Landscape Checklist Leaves 497X330
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
5 Smart Steps for a Winter-Ready Landscape
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