Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Storm Damage
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Step-By-Step: How To Clean Up The Yard & Trees After A Storm
Clean up your yard after the storm! Use these 7 steps to help your trees, plants and shrubs recover.
Compacted Soil
Soil Care & Mulching
How to Tell if Soil is Compacted Around Trees and What to Do
Is your tree slow growing? You may have compacted soil. Test to confirm, then discover soil compaction remedies. Also see if you can plant trees in compacted soil.
Guy Mulching Edit
Soil Care & Mulching
Should I Mulch Around Trees Or Not? Yes, And Here’s Why
Do you have to mulch around trees? Should you mulch around your trees? YES. Here's five reasons science proves why you should put mulch around trees.
Planting A New Tree Where One Was Removed Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Is It OK to Plant a Tree in the Same Spot?
Is it okay to plant a tree in the same spot where an old one was just removed? Planting a tree where a tree was before is possible. But no, it probably isn’t the best idea! Learn why and learn how close can you plant a tree to a stump and if it's ok to plant a new one over a ground out stump.
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Plant Health Care
Signs Of Overwatered Hydrangeas & How To Fix Them
Here are common signs of an overwatered hydrangea and how to save overwatered hydrangeas.
Soil Salinity
Soil Care & Mulching
How Does Soil Salinity Affect Plants?
Soil salinity is the measure of salt in soil. Salinization is the process of soluble salts building up in soil over time. Learn how to manage and reduce soil salinity with leaching and deep watering.
Mulch 2
Soil Care & Mulching
Is Organic Mulch Better for My Trees & Plants? | Davey Blog
Different mulches can have different benefits and figuring out which works best for your yard or garden will help you reach your landscaping goals.
Overwatered Trees
Plant Health Care
Signs Of Underwatering Trees Or Overwatering Trees
Learn the difference between overwatering and underwatering a tree including signs of overwatering, signs of underwatering trees and how to fix an overwatered tree.
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