Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Best Dwarf Trees For Small Spaces Dogwood In Front Of House Davey Tree
Tree Selection Guide
Best Dwarf Trees for Small Space Landscaping (Flowering and More)
There's a perfect tree for every space - even if you have a small space or want a dwarf tree for the front yard! Some of our favorite petite trees are...
Watering Stock
Plant Health Care
When to Start Watering Trees in Spring
Depending on where you live, you should start watering your trees anywhere from mid-March to early May. How much should you water new trees? When is the best time to water trees? Get your tree watering tips here.
Drip Irrigation System Soaker Hose To Water Trees Shrubs Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
How to Water Trees and Shrubs with Drip Irrigation (and Tips!)
Drip irrigation systems automatically deliver the right amount of water to trees and shrubs. So, you get to soak up the savings (and more free time). Start by...
Before You Use Pruning Paint Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Wait – Before You Use Pruning Sealer On Trees…
After pruning (or trimming) your trees, should you use pruning sealer or pruning paint?
Sudden Limb Drop Fallen Branch In Yard Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Is Sudden Branch Drop Syndrome?
Branches falling off of your seemingly healthy tree in summer? That sounds like sudden branch syndrome! Click to learn why this happens and what you should do!
Tree With Transplant Shock Brown Leaves On New Tree Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Helping Trees Recover from Transplant Shock
Leaves dropping after transplant? Not sure if your trees in shock or dead? Learn how to save a dying transplanted tree and about tree transplant shock recovery.
Brown Needles On Evergreen Pine Or Spruce Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Reasons Why Your Evergreen is Dying from Bottom Up – And How to Save
If your evergreen or spruce tree is turning brown from the bottom up, does that mean it's dying? Or, can you still save a brown evergreen? Well...
Davey Tree Spring Pruning
Trimming & Pruning
Pruning Trees In Spring – Is It OK To Do?
You can do some spring tree pruning safely - as long as you know what trees to prune and why. Here's your guide to pruning trees in spring.
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