Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Winter Tree Care For Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Worst Mistakes Prepping Trees For Winter
Avoid these common mistakes when prepping your trees and plants for winter: incorrectly wrapping trees and shrubs, skipping tree pruning, not applying insect prevention oils, overwintering insects and not storing container plants properly.
Bare Tree With No Leaves In Winter
Plant Health Care
How To Tell If A Tree Is Dead In Winter
In winter, many worry: Is my tree dead or dormant? Use this 3-step check to tell if your tree is dead in winter or just dormant.
Blue Spruce
Plant Health Care
How to Care for Trees In Colorado
Learn more about Colorado’s unique climate conditions and how it impacts tree care for watering, fertilizing, and pruning.
Can You Prune Or Cut Trees In Summer Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Can You Prune or Cut Tree Limbs in Summer?
Wondering if you can prune trees in the summer? Usually, it’s best to prune trees in the dormant season when they don’t have any leaves. However, there are always exceptions. Learn more which trees you can cut in the summer - and the ones you shouldn't!
Best Time To Prune Evergreens
Trimming & Pruning
When to Trim Evergreens
Different evergreen species have different pruning requirements compared to others and trimming timeframes. Be careful to not over prune the plant and cause additional challenges like inviting diseases or pests.
When To Prune Oak Trees In Texas
Is It Too Late To Trim Oak Trees?
Keep your Oak Trees strong and healthy with seasonal pruning. Find the oak tree trimming guidelines and timeframes for Austin, Georgetown and Lakeway Texas. You will also learn the best time to avoid pruning to help prevent oak wilt.
How To Protect Trees In Winter
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect Trees in Winter: Three Proactive Tips
Taking these proactive steps for your trees during the winter months will help them flourish during the spring. Learn how to keep deer away from trees, how to use dormant oils and how late you can apply it, and when to apply anti-desiccant to your evergreens.
Best Time To Transplant Trees Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
When Is The Best Time To Transplant Trees? (Pine, Oak & Maple)
When is the best time to move or transplant a tree? Is that the best time to transplant all trees, like pine, maple, and oak trees? Click for a detailed list!
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