Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Branch Breakage Snow
Plant Health Care
How to Spot and Help Prevent Branch Breakage on Trees
Branch breakage is just one sign your trees may be suffering from the winter season. So, how can you help? First, know what causes branch breakage and how to prevent it with these tips:
Davey Tree Ash Tree Replacements
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Best Trees To Replace Ash (Ash Tree Alternatives By Zone)
If you removed an ash because of emerald ash borer, plant an ash tree replacement species. Discover the best ash tree alternatives to replace ash trees.
Mushroom Id New Jersey Ed Zimmerman 004
Plant Health Care
The Difference Between Promoting Proper Plant Health Care and a Misdiagnosis
Ginkgo Leaves
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Ginkgo Tree?
Here are some fun facts about ginkgo trees, as well as how you can spot their unique characteristics and keep them healthy all year long.
Pest And Disease Center Diplodia Tip Blight Sideimage2 608X341
Insect & Disease Issues
Diplodia Tip Blight On Pines
Diplodia fungus causes the tips of your pine needles to turn brown and mostly occurs during the growing season from March through October. Ways to treat diplodia tip blight is first by keeping your pine and evergreens healthy and properly irrigated throughout the year. Learn more.
How To Save A Dying Redwood Brown Needles Drought Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
How to Tell if a Redwood Tree is Dying (And If You Can Save It)
How do you tell if a redwood tree is dying? Is it turning brown or yellowing? You may have a distressed redwood tree. To help, you almost always need to give them more water. Learn more about how to water and how it could save a dying redwood tree!
Apple Scab
Insect & Disease Issues
Common Spring Plant & Tree Diseases Caused By Fungi
Fungi thrive in wet spring weather. Check your plants for symptoms using this list of plant and tree diseases caused by fungi. Then, learn how to help your plants.
Dsc 3577
Tree Selection Guide
Best Small Flowering Trees for Your Landscape
Here are some of the best small flowering trees that require little maintenance and give your landscape a pop of color. You will also learn which ones you should stay away from, and how to properly care for your trees during spring.
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