Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Boxelder Bug Infestation On Maple Or Boxelder Tree Dazvey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
Are Boxelder Bugs Eating Maple Tree Leaves? Control the Infestation…
Do you have boxelder bugs on your maple trees? They can be quite the bother but aren't known to cause any harm. Learn more about these bugs and how to get rid of them! Start by...
Cat Proof Christmas Tree Ideas
Christmas Tree Care
Cat Proof Christmas Tree Ideas and Tips
It is possible to cat proof your Christmas tree this year! Check out these tips and ideas on how to make your Christmas tree pet-friendly and stop your cat from climbing it.
White Fluffy Seeds In Air Cottonwood Tree Seeds Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How Long Do White Fluffy Seeds Last on Cottonwood Trees?
Those white fluffy seeds in the air in spring are cottonwood seeds! But how long does cottonwood season last? Cottonwood trees shed cotton for several weeks from late spring to early summer. But can you stop them from producing cotton? Here's how to reduce or stop it entirely.
Storm Damage
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Step-By-Step: How To Clean Up The Yard & Trees After A Storm
Clean up your yard after the storm! Use these 7 steps to help your trees, plants and shrubs recover.
Branch Breakage Snow
Plant Health Care
How to Spot and Help Prevent Branch Breakage on Trees
Branch breakage is just one sign your trees may be suffering from the winter season. So, how can you help? First, know what causes branch breakage and how to prevent it with these tips:
Christmas Lights Wrapped On Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Is It OK To Keep Outdoor Tree Lights On Year Round?
Can you safely use outdoor tree lights year round? Learn about types of lights for trees outside and how to safely use outdoor hanging tree lights year round.
Compacted Soil
Soil Care & Mulching
How to Tell if Soil is Compacted Around Trees and What to Do
Is your tree slow growing? You may have compacted soil. Test to confirm, then discover soil compaction remedies. Also see if you can plant trees in compacted soil.
Fall Color
Tree Selection Guide
Fall Foliage: Best Trees and Shrubs for Red Fall Color
Here’s a comprehensive list of the best trees and shrubs for red fall color. Included are details for optimal planting zones, sun exposure recommendations, and soil needs.
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