Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Leaf & Needle Problems
Palm Tree Fronds Turning Brown or Drooping on Outdoor Palm Trees? Try…
Does your palm tree have droopy, discolored leaves? Get back to enjoying your dreamy palm trees with this advice on restoring a droopy, brown tree.
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Plant Health Care
How To Help Flooded Trees & Shrubs
Talking to a certified arborist about how to care for a waterlogged tree can ensure your plant gets the proper care and attention it needs after a stressful event like a flood.
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Lawn Care & Maintenance
How Often Should I Aerate My Lawn?
When it comes to aeration, how often you perform the service can be dependent on your soil type. Here are reasons why to aerate your lawn, the best time to aerate and overseed lawn, and mistakes to avoid
Joshua Tree Trees In Drought
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Pick The Right Trees For Drought-Prone Landscapes
Find drought-tolerant and drought-resistant trees in your zone.
How To Treat Heat Stress In Trees
Plant Health Care
How To Help Trees & Plants During An Unexpected Heat Wave
Learn how to help your trees and plants survive an unexpected heat wave with these immediate actions.
Yellow Crocus
Plant Health Care
How a Warmer Winter May Be Affecting Your Plants
Seasonably high temperatures in the Eastern half of the country may be a threat to your trees and plants.
Best Trees For Fall Foliage
Tree Selection Guide
Brilliant Fall Foliage: Best Trees For Fall Color
As you plan your landscape, consider trees that provide seasonal beauty in your yard. Here’s a full list of top trees with the best foliage in fall.
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Tree Selection Guide
Plants Good for Flooding and Wet Areas (By Zone)
Concerned about flood damage to your plants? Find out which trees and shrubs like wet soil. Then, identify the best plants for wet areas in your zone (garden zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10).
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