Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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How To Prepare Trees For Winter
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tree Care Checklist: How to Keep Trees Healthy This Winter
Follow our ultimate checklist filled with tips on how to prepare your landscape and trees for the winter, cold weather.
Tree Selection Guide
Fireproof Landscapes With Fire Resistant Plants, Trees & Shrubs
Learn what trees and shrubs are fire resistant in California including a fire resistant plant list and trees that can survive forest fires.
Before You Use Pruning Paint Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Wait – Before You Use Pruning Sealer On Trees…
After pruning (or trimming) your trees, should you use pruning sealer or pruning paint?
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Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Best Way to Remove Toilet Paper from Tall Trees
Did your trees get TPed on Halloween? Click for step by step instructions on the best way to get toilet paper, or TP, out of trees - even the tall trees!
Do Deer Eat Leyland Cypress
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect & Repair Trees from Animals: Deer, Rabbits, Squirrels
Your trees are staples in your yard, and while you welcome wildlife, you’d hate to see them destroy these strong, sturdy plants in your yard. Here is how to protect your trees from animals.
Can Trees Grow Too Fast
Davey Knowledge
Tree Growth Rates 101: What You Should Know
Are fast growing trees weaker? Well, you can’t really rush the growing process. Let’s look at the differences between different growth rates to give you a better understanding of how trees grow and what might best fit your landscape.
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Tree Selection Guide
Plants Good for Flooding and Wet Areas (By Zone)
Concerned about flood damage to your plants? Find out which trees and shrubs like wet soil. Then, identify the best plants for wet areas in your zone (garden zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10).
Cedar Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
Guide to Mulching: Is Cedar or Cypress Mulch Better?
One of the best things you can do to boost tree health is to create mulch rings around them. Outlined are the pros and cons of using cedar or cypress mulch.
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