As Americans plan Thanksgiving festivities this month, ‘tis the season to be thankful. Every year, families and friends give thanks for loved ones, opportunities, possessions and so much more. But when was the last time your trees made your list of thanks?

This year, before you dig into your Thanksgiving feast, remember all that your trees do for you. Our trees are always giving to us, without asking for much in return. Here are just a few reasons to be thankful for your trees this holiday season:

  • Money in your pocket.  The temperatures are plummeting in several regions of North America this time of year, so we crank up the thermostat for a warm, toasty home. Did you know your trees help save you money on your energy bill? Trees planted in the vicinity of your home are windbreakers. The less often wind strikes your windows and doors, the less your furnace must work.
  • Peace of mind. Trees have the ability to improve our quality of life and mental health. Trees absorb traffic and mechanical noises that can increase our stress levels and decrease our ability to concentrate. In fact, cities that have a barrier of trees rather than a concrete wall protecting it from a highway have less mechanical noise.
  • Environmental enthusiasts. Trees are our environment’s powerhouse, packed with benefits that are constantly improving its state. Trees provide us oxygen, improve air quality, reduce pollution and so much more.
  • Easy on the eyes. Think about some of your favorite neighborhoods, stores and parks. Chances are they are lined with trees that add incredible aesthetic value. Trees add color, mask unappealing urban visuals like concrete walls and can help soften harsh, architectural lines.

Why are you thankful for your trees? We would love to hear! Comment below and let us know why your trees made it onto your list of thanks.

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